Using TraefikFileProviderProxy#

jupyterhub-traefik-proxy can be used with simple toml or yaml configuration files, for smaller, single-node deployments such as The Littlest JupyterHub.

How-To install TraefikFileProviderProxy#

  1. Install jupyterhub

  2. Install jupyterhub-traefik-proxy

  3. Install traefik

How-To enable TraefikFileProviderProxy#

You can enable JupyterHub to work with TraefikFileProviderProxy in, using the proxy_class configuration option.

You can choose to:

  • use the traefik_file entrypoint, new in JupyterHub 1.0, e.g.:

    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_file"
  • use the TraefikFileProviderProxy object, in which case, you have to import the module, e.g.:

    from jupyterhub_traefik_proxy.fileprovider import TraefikFileProviderProxy
    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = TraefikFileProviderProxy

Traefik configuration#

Traefik’s configuration is divided into two parts:

  • The static configuration (loaded only at the beginning)

  • The dynamic configuration (can be hot-reloaded, without restarting the proxy), where the routing table will be updated continuously.

Traefik allows us to have one file for the static configuration file (traefik.toml or traefik.yaml) and one or several files for the routes, that traefik would watch.


TraefikFileProviderProxy, uses two configuration files: one file for the routes (rules.toml or rules.yaml), and one for the static configuration (traefik.toml or traefik.yaml).

By default, Traefik will search for traefik.toml and rules.toml in the following places:

  • /etc/traefik/

  • $HOME/.traefik/

  • . the working directory

You can override this in TraefikFileProviderProxy, by modifying the static_config_file argument:

c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.static_config_file = "/path/to/static_config_filename.toml"

Similarly, you can override the dynamic configuration file by modifying the dynamic_config_file argument:

c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.dynamic_config_file = "/path/to/dynamic_config_filename.toml"


  • When JupyterHub starts the proxy, it writes the static config once, then only edits the dynamic config file.

  • When JupyterHub does not start the proxy, the user is totally responsible for the static config and JupyterHub is responsible exclusively for the routes.

  • When JupyterHub does not start the proxy, the user should tell traefik to get its dynamic configuration from a directory. Then, one (or more) dynamic configuration file(s) can be managed externally, and dynamic_config_file will be managed by JupyterHub. This allows e.g., the administrator to configure traefik’s API outside of JupyterHub.

Externally managed TraefikFileProviderProxy#

When TraefikFileProviderProxy is externally managed, service managers like systemd or docker will be responsible for starting and stopping the proxy.

If TraefikFileProviderProxy is used as an externally managed service, then make sure you follow the steps enumerated below:

  1. Let JupyterHub know that the proxy being used is TraefikFileProviderProxy, using the proxy_class configuration option:

    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_file"
  2. Configure TraefikFileProviderProxy in

    JupyterHub configuration file, must specify at least:

    • That the proxy is externally managed

    • The traefik api credentials

    • The dynamic configuration file, if different from rules.toml or if this file is located in a place other than traefik’s default search directories (etc/traefik/, $HOME/.traefik/, the working directory). traefik must also be able to access the dynamic configuration file.

    Example configuration:

    # JupyterHub shouldn't start the proxy, it's already running
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.should_start = False
    # if not the default:
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.dynamic_config_file = "/path/to/somefile.toml"
    # traefik api credentials
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_username = "abc"
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_password = "xxx"
    # Validate the certificate on traefik's API? Default = True
    # c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_validate_cert = True
    # jupyterhub will configure traefik for itself, using this Host name
    # (and optional path) on the router rule:
    c.JupyterHub.bind_url = ''
    # jupyterhub will also configure traefik's 'service' url, so this needs
    # to be accessible from traefik. By default, jupyterhub will bind to
    # 'localhost', but this will bind jupyterhub to its hostname
    # (only necessary when traefik is in a different machine or container)
    c.JupyterHub.hub_bind_url = 'http://:8000'
  3. Ensure traefik.toml / traefik.yaml

    The static configuration file, traefik.toml (or traefik.yaml) must configure at least:

    • The default entrypoint

    • The api entrypoint (and authenticate it in a user-managed dynamic configuration file)

    • The websockets protocol

    • The dynamic configuration directory to watch (make sure this configuration directory exists, even if empty before the proxy is launched)

    • Check tests/config_files/traefik.toml for an example.

Example setup#

This is an example setup for using JupyterHub and TraefikFileProviderProxy managed by another service than JupyterHub.

  1. Configure the proxy through the JupyterHub configuration file,, e.g.:

    # mark the proxy as externally managed
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.should_start = False
    # traefik api endpoint login password
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_password = "admin"
    # traefik api endpoint login username
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_username = "api_admin"
    # traefik's dynamic configuration file, which will be managed by JupyterHub
    c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.dynamic_config_file = "/var/run/traefik/rules.toml"
    # configure JupyterHub to use TraefikFileProviderProxy
    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_file"
  2. Create a traefik static configuration file, traefik.toml, e.g.:

    # enable the api
    # the public port where traefik accepts http requests
    address = ":8000"
    # the port on localhost where the traefik api should be found
    address = "localhost:8099"
    # the dynamic configuration directory
    # This must match the directory provided in Step 1. above.
    directory = "/var/run/traefik"
    watch = true
  3. Start traefik with the configuration specified above, e.g.:

    $ traefik --configfile traefik.toml