Implementation details#

Traefik API#

traefik-proxy uses the Traefik API to monitor routes and configurations.

Because of security concerns, in traefik-proxy implementation, traefik api endpoint isn’t exposed on the public http endpoint. Instead, it runs on a dedicated authenticated endpoint that’s on localhost by default.

The port on which traefik-proxy’s api will run, as well as the username and password used for authenticating, can be passed to the proxy through, e.g.:

c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_url = ""
c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_password = "admin"
c.TraefikFileProviderProxy.traefik_api_username = "admin"

Check out TraefikProxy’s API Reference for more configuration options.

Class structure#

A JupyterHub Proxy implementation must implement these methods:

  • start / stop (starting and stopping the proxy)

  • add_route

  • delete_route

  • get_all_routes

  • get_route (a default implementation is provided by the base class, based on get_all_routes)

Additionally, for traefik we need to set up the separate “static config” (API access and where routes will be stored) and “dynamic config” (the routing table itself, which changes as servers start and stop). Where and how dynamic_config is stored is the ~only difference between TraefikProxy subclasses.

Setting up traefik configuration is in these methods:

  • _setup_traefik_static_config - must be extended by subclasses to add any provider-specific configuration to self.static_config

  • _setup_traefik_dynamic_config - usually not modified

TraefikProxy is organized into three levels:

First, is TraefikProxy. This class is responsible for everything traefik-specific. It implements talking to the traefik API, and computing what dynamic configuration is needed for each step. This base class provides implementations of start, stop, add_route, delete_route, and get_all_routes.

TraefikProxy subclasses must implement how dynamic config is stored, and set the appropriate static config to tell traefik how to load the dynamic config. Specifically, the generic methods:

  • _setup_traefik_static_config should extend self.static_config to configure the traefik configuration discovery provider

  • _apply_dynamic_config stores a given dynamic config dictionary in the appropriate config store

  • _delete_dynamic_config removes keys from the dynamic config store

  • _get_jupyterhub_dynamic_config reads the whole jupyterhub part (not read by traefik itself)

We have two classes at this level:

  • TraefikFileProviderProxy, which stores dynamic config in a toml or yaml file, and

  • TKvProxy - another base class, which implements the above, based on a generic notion of a key-value store

TKvProxy is an adapter layer, implementing all of the above methods, based on a few basic actions on key-value stores:

  • _kv_atomic_set should take a flat dictionary of key paths and string values, and store them.

  • _kv_atomic_delete should delete a number of keys in a single transaction

  • _kv_get_tree should recursively read everything in the key-value store under a prefix (returning the flattened dictionary)

TKvProxy is responsible for translating between key-value-friendly “flat” dictionaries and the ‘true’ nested dictionary format of the configuration (i.e. the nested dictionary {"a": {"b": 5}} will be flattened to {"a/b": "5"}).

Finally, we have our specific key-value store implementations: TraefikEtcdProxy and TraefikConsulProxy. These classes only need to implement:

  1. configuration necessary to connect to the key-value provider

  2. _setup_traefik_static_config to tell traefik how to talk to the same key-value provider

  3. the above three _kv_ methods for reading, writing, and deleting keys

Testing jupyterhub-traefik-proxy#

You can then run the all the test suite from the traefik-proxy directory with:

$ pytest -v ./tests

Or you can run a specific test with:

$ pytest -v ./tests/<test-file-name>