Source code for jupyterhub_traefik_proxy.kv_proxy

"""Traefik implementation

Custom proxy implementations can subclass :class:`Proxy`
and register in JupyterHub config:

.. sourcecode:: python

    from mymodule import MyProxy
    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = MyProxy

Route Specification:

- A routespec is a URL prefix ([host]/path/), e.g.
  'host.tld/path/' for host-based routing or '/path/' for default routing.
- Route paths should be normalized to always start and end with '/'

# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

import asyncio
from import Mapping
from functools import wraps
from numbers import Number

from traitlets import Unicode

from . import traefik_utils
from .proxy import TraefikProxy

def _one_at_a_time(method):
    """decorator to limit an async method to be called only once

    If multiple concurrent calls to this method are made,
    piggy-back on the outstanding call instead of queuing
    or letting requests pile up.

    async def locked_method(*args, **kwargs):
        if getattr(method, "_shared_future", None) is not None:
            f = method._shared_future
            if f.done():
                method._shared_future = None
                return await f

        method._shared_future = f = asyncio.ensure_future(method(*args, **kwargs))
            return await f
            method._shared_future = None

    return locked_method

[docs] class TKvProxy(TraefikProxy): """ JupyterHub Proxy implementation using traefik and a key-value store. Custom proxy implementations based on traefik and a key-value store can sublass :class:`TKvProxy`. """ kv_traefik_prefix = traefik_utils.KVStorePrefix( "traefik", config=True, help="""The key value store key prefix for traefik static configuration""", ) kv_jupyterhub_prefix = traefik_utils.KVStorePrefix( "jupyterhub", config=True, help="""The key value store key prefix for traefik dynamic configuration""", ) kv_separator = Unicode( "/", config=True, help="""The separator used for the path in the KV store""", ) # these should be the only three methods a KV provider needs to define async def _kv_atomic_set(self, to_set: dict): """Set a collection of keys and values Should be done atomically (i.e. in a transaction), setting nothing on failure. Args: to_set (dict): key/value pairs to set Will always be a flattened dict of single key-value pairs, not a nested structure. """ raise NotImplementedError() async def _kv_atomic_delete(self, *keys): """Delete one or more keys If a key ends with `self.kv_separator`, it should be a recursive delete """ raise NotImplementedError() async def _kv_get_tree(self, prefix): """Return all data under prefix as a dict Should probably use `unflatten_dict_from_kv` """ raise NotImplementedError() # now: implement methods required by TraefikProxy base class async def _apply_dynamic_config(self, dynamic_config, jupyterhub_config=None): """Apply dynamic config (and optional jupyterhub info) atomically""" to_set = self.flatten_dict_for_kv(dynamic_config, prefix=self.kv_traefik_prefix) if jupyterhub_config: to_set.update( self.flatten_dict_for_kv( jupyterhub_config, prefix=self.kv_jupyterhub_prefix ) ) self.log.debug("Setting key-value config %s", to_set) await self._kv_atomic_set(to_set) async def _delete_dynamic_config(self, traefik_keys, jupyterhub_keys): """Delete keys from dynamic configuration Translate key paths to flat kv keys """ to_delete = [ self.kv_separator.join([self.kv_traefik_prefix] + key_path + [""]) for key_path in traefik_keys ] to_delete.extend( self.kv_separator.join([self.kv_jupyterhub_prefix] + key_path + [""]) for key_path in jupyterhub_keys ) async with self.semaphore: try: await self._kv_atomic_delete(*to_delete) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Couldn't delete config %s: %s", to_delete, e) raise @_one_at_a_time async def _get_jupyterhub_dynamic_config(self): """jupyterhub data is in our kv store""" return await self._kv_get_tree(self.kv_jupyterhub_prefix)
[docs] async def get_route(self, routespec): """Return the route info for a given routespec. Args: routespec (str): A URI that was used to add this route, e.g. `host.tld/path/` Returns: result (dict): dict with the following keys:: 'routespec': The normalized route specification passed in to add_route ([host]/path/) 'target': The target host for this route (proto://host) 'data': The arbitrary data dict that was passed in by JupyterHub when adding this route. None: if there are no routes matching the given routespec """ routespec = self.validate_routespec(routespec) router_alias = traefik_utils.generate_alias(routespec, "router") route_key = self.kv_separator.join( [self.kv_jupyterhub_prefix, "routes", router_alias] ) route = await self._kv_get_tree(route_key) if not route: return None return {key: route[key] for key in ("routespec", "data", "target")}
# deep/flat dict translation def _kv_to_str(self, value): """KV stores only store strings serialize numbers and booleans to strings that traefik will recognize """ if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, bool): return str(value).lower() elif isinstance(value, Number): return str(value) else: # don't coerce unrecognized types, TypeError will be raised later return value
[docs] def flatten_dict_for_kv(self, data, prefix=''): """Flatten a dictionary of `data` for storage in the KV store, prefixing each key with `prefix` and joining each key with :attr:`TKvProxy.kv_separator`. If the final value is a :class:`list`, then the provided bottom-level key shall be appended with an incrementing numeric number, in the style that is used by traefik's KV store, e.g. .. code-block:: flatten_dict_for_kv({ 'x' : { 'y' : { 'z': 'a' } }, { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'baz': [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }) :return: The flattened dictionary :rtype: dict e.g. .. code-block:: { 'traefik/x/y/z' : 'a', 'traefik/x/foo': 'bar', 'traefik/baz/0': 'a', 'traefik/baz/1': 'b', 'traefik/baz/2': 'c', } Inspired by `this answer on StackOverflow <>`_ """ sep = self.kv_separator # if it's a list, cast to dict of str keys, i.e. ["x"] -> {"0": "x"} # if isinstance(data, list): # data = {str(i): item for i, item in enumerate(data)} items = {} for k, v in data.items(): if prefix: new_key = f"{prefix}{sep}{k}" else: new_key = k if isinstance(v, list): # if it's a list, cast to dict of str keys, i.e. ["x"] -> {"0": "x"} v = {str(i): item for i, item in enumerate(v)} # two cases: # 1. Mapping (dict) # 2. scalar (cast to str) if isinstance(v, Mapping): if not v: self.log.warning( f"Not setting anything for empty dict at {new_key}" ) items.update(self.flatten_dict_for_kv(v, prefix=new_key)) else: # cast _known_ types to str v = self._kv_to_str(v) # if cast didn't coerce, we can't handle it if not isinstance(v, str): raise ValueError( f"Cannot upload {new_key}: {v} of type {type(v)} to kv store" ) items[new_key] = v return items
[docs] def unflatten_dict_from_kv(self, kv_list, root_key=""): """Reconstruct tree dict from list of key/value pairs This is the inverse of flatten_dict_for_kv, not including str coercion. Args: kv_list (list): list of (key, value) pairs. keys and values should all be strings. root_key (str, optional): The key representing the root of the tree, if not the root of the key-value store. Returns: tree (dict): The reconstructed dictionary. All values will still be strings, even those that originated as numbers or booleans. """ sep = self.kv_separator def by_depth(item): """sort-key function to get shallow items first Ensures So that we know that we always see an item before its children """ key, value = item key_path = key.split(sep) for i, label in enumerate(key_path): # ensure if label.isdigit(): key_path[i] = int(label) return len(key.split(sep)) tree = {} for key, value in sorted(kv_list, key=by_depth): key_path = key.split(sep) d = tree for parent_key, key in zip(key_path[:-1], key_path[1:]): if parent_key.isdigit(): parent_key = int(parent_key) if isinstance(d, dict) and parent_key not in d: # create container if key.isdigit(): # integer keys mean it's a list d[parent_key] = [] else: d[parent_key] = {} elif isinstance(d, list): if key.isdigit(): # integer keys mean it's a list next_d = [] else: next_d = {} d.append(next_d) # walk down to the next level d = d[parent_key] if isinstance(d, list): # validate list keys if len(d) != int(key): raise IndexError( f"Got invalid list key {key_path}, missing previous items in {d}" ) d.append(value) else: d[key] = value if root_key: original_tree = tree # get the root of the tree, # rather than starting from root for key in root_key.strip(self.kv_separator).split(self.kv_separator): if key not in tree: self.log.warning( f"Root key {root_key!r} not found in {original_tree}" ) return {} tree = tree[key] return tree