Using TraefikRedisProxy#

Redis is a distributed key-value store. This should be the default choice when using jupyterhub-traefik-proxy in a distributed setup, such as a Kubernetes cluster with multiple traefik instances.

How-To install TraefikRedisProxy#

  1. Install jupyterhub

  2. Install jupyterhub-traefik-proxy and redis Python client

    pip install jupyterhub-traefik-proxy[redis]
  3. Install traefik

  4. Install Redis Server

How-To enable TraefikRedisProxy#

You can enable JupyterHub to work with TraefikRedisProxy in, using the proxy_class configuration option:

c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_redis"

Redis configuration#

  1. Depending on the value of the should_start proxy flag, you can choose whether or not JupyterHub will manage and start traefik itself.

    • When should_start is True (default), TraefikRedisProxy will generate the static configuration needed to connect to redis and store it in traefik.toml file. The traefik process will then be launched using this file.

    • When should_start is False, prior to starting the traefik process, you must create a toml file with the desired traefik static configuration and pass it to traefik. Keep in mind that in order for the routes to be stored in Redis, this toml file must specify redis as the provider.

  2. TraefikRedisProxy searches in the redis key-value store for keys starting with the kv_traefik_prefix prefix to build its static configuration.

    Similarly, the dynamic configuration is built by searching for the kv_jupyterhub_prefix.


    If you want to change or add to traefik’s dynamic configuration options, you can add them to Redis under this prefix and traefik will pick them up.

    • The default values of these configuration options are:

      kv_traefik_prefix = "/traefik/"
      kv_jupyterhub_prefix = "/jupyterhub/"
    • You can override the default values of the prefixes by passing their desired values through e.g.:

      c.TraefikRedisProxy.kv_traefik_prefix = "/some_dynamic_config_prefix/"
      c.TraefikRedisProxy.kv_jupyterhub_prefix = "/some_other_config_prefix/"
  3. By default, TraefikRedisProxy assumes Redis accepts client requests on the official default Redis port 6379 for client requests.

    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_url = "redis://"

    If the Redis cluster is deployed differently than using the Redis defaults, then you must pass the Redis url to the proxy using the redis_url option in

    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_url = "redis://hostname:port"


TraefikRedisProxy does not manage the Redis cluster and assumes it is up and running before the proxy itself starts.

In order for traefik to reliably receive notifications of changes from redis, redis must enable keyspace notifications, e.g. with

--notify-keyspace-events KEA

To avoid losing configuration upon redis restart, the redis server should also enable persistence, e.g. with

--appendonly yes


Based on how Redis is configured and started, TraefikRedisProxy needs to be told about some Redis configuration details, such as:

  • Redis address where it accepts client requests

  • Redis credentials (if Redis has authentication enabled)

  • Additional redis client constructor options:

    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_client_kwargs = {"retry_on_timeout": True}

Externally managed TraefikRedisProxy#

If traefik is used as an externally managed service, then make sure you follow the steps enumerated below:

  1. Let JupyterHub know that the proxy being used is TraefikRedisProxy, using the proxy_class configuration option:

    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_redis"
  2. Configure TraefikRedisProxy in

    JupyterHub configuration file, must specify at least:

    • That the proxy is externally managed

    • The traefik api credentials

    • The Redis credentials (if Redis authentication is enabled)

    Example configuration:

    # JupyterHub shouldn't start the proxy, it's already running
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.should_start = False
    # if not the default:
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_url = "redis://redis-host:2379"
    # traefik api credentials
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.traefik_api_username = "abc"
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.traefik_api_password = "123"
    # Redis credentials
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_username = "def"
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_password = "456"
  3. Create a toml file with traefik’s desired static configuration

    Before starting the traefik process, you must create a toml file with the desired traefik static configuration and pass it to traefik when you launch the process. Keep in mind that in order for the routes to be stored in Redis, this toml file must specify Redis as the provider.

    • Keep in mind that the static configuration must configure at least:

      • The default entrypoint

      • The api entrypoint

      • The Redis provider

    • Example:

      address = ""
      address = ""
      endpoints = [ "",]
      rootKey = "traefik"
      # username, password if needed
      username = "redisuser"
      password = "redispass"

Example setup#

This is an example setup for using JupyterHub and TraefikRedisProxy managed by another service than JupyterHub.

  1. Configure the proxy through the JupyterHub configuration file,, e.g.:

    # mark the proxy as externally managed
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.should_start = False
    # traefik api endpoint login password
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.traefik_api_password = "abc"
    # traefik api endpoint login username
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.traefik_api_username = "123"
    # Redis url where it accepts client requests
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_url = "redis://"
    # username, password (if auth enabled)
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_username = "def"
    c.TraefikRedisProxy.redis_password = "456"
    # configure JupyterHub to use TraefikRedisProxy
    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = "traefik_redis"
  2. Start a single-node Redis cluster on the default port on localhost. e.g.:

    # if redis-server isn't found on path, and you installed it with snap, you
    # probably need to do this:
    # export PATH="/snap/redis/current/usr/bin/:$PATH"
  3. Create a traefik static configuration file, traefik.toml, e.g:.

    # enable the api
    # the public port where traefik accepts http requests
    address = ":8000"
    # the port on localhost where the traefik api should be found
    address = "localhost:8099"
    # the Redis username, password (if auth is enabled)
    username = "def"
    password = "456"
    # the Redis address
    endpoints = [""]
    # the prefix to use for the static configuration
    rootKey = "traefik"
  4. Start traefik with the configuration specified above, e.g.:

    $ traefik -c traefik.toml