Source code for jupyterhub_traefik_proxy.etcd

"""Traefik implementation

Custom proxy implementations can subclass :class:`Proxy`
and register in JupyterHub config:

.. sourcecode:: python

    from mymodule import MyProxy
    c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = MyProxy

Route Specification:

- A routespec is a URL prefix ([host]/path/), e.g.
  'host.tld/path/' for host-based routing or '/path/' for default routing.
- Route paths should be normalized to always start and end with '/'

# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from tornado.concurrent import run_on_executor
from traitlets import Any, Dict, Unicode, default

from .kv_proxy import TKvProxy
from .traefik_utils import deep_merge

[docs] class TraefikEtcdProxy(TKvProxy): """JupyterHub Proxy implementation using traefik and etcd""" executor = Any() provider_name = "etcd" etcd_client_kwargs = Dict( config=True, help="""Extra keyword arguments to pass to the etcd Python client constructor""", ) @default("executor") def _default_executor(self): return ThreadPoolExecutor(1) etcd_url = Unicode( "", config=True, help="URL for the etcd endpoint.", ) etcd_username = Unicode( "", config=True, help="Username for accessing etcd.", ) etcd_password = Unicode( "", config=True, help="Password for accessing etcd.", ) kv_url = Unicode("DEPRECATED", config=True).tag( deprecated_in="1.0", deprecated_for="etcd_url", ) kv_username = Unicode("DEPRECATED", config=True).tag( deprecated_in="1.0", deprecated_for="etcd_username", ) kv_password = Unicode("DEPRECATED", config=True).tag( deprecated_in="1.0", deprecated_for="etcd_password", ) etcd = Any() @default("etcd") def _default_client(self): etcd_service = urlparse(self.etcd_url) try: import etcd3 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install etcd3 or etcdpy package to use traefik-proxy with etcd3" ) kwargs = { 'host': etcd_service.hostname, 'port': etcd_service.port, } if self.etcd_password: kwargs.update( { "user": self.etcd_username, "password": self.etcd_password, } ) if self.etcd_client_kwargs: kwargs.update(self.etcd_client_kwargs) return etcd3.client(**kwargs) def _cleanup(self): super()._cleanup() self.etcd.close() # low-level etcd APIs @run_on_executor def _etcd_transaction(self, success_actions): status, response = self.etcd.transaction( compare=[], success=success_actions, failure=[] ) if status != True: raise RuntimeError(f"etcd transaction failed: {status}: {response}") return response @run_on_executor def _etcd_get(self, key): value, _ = self.etcd.get(key) return value @run_on_executor def _etcd_get_prefix(self, prefix): if not prefix.endswith(self.kv_separator): prefix += self.kv_separator data = list(self.etcd.get_prefix(prefix)) return data # key-value generic methods async def _kv_get_tree(self, prefix): keys_values = [ (meta.key.decode("utf8"), value.decode("utf8")) for value, meta in await self._etcd_get_prefix(prefix) ] return self.unflatten_dict_from_kv(keys_values, root_key=prefix) async def _kv_atomic_set(self, to_set): transactions = [] for k, v in to_set.items(): transactions.append(self.etcd.transactions.put(k, v)) await self._etcd_transaction(transactions) async def _kv_atomic_delete(self, *keys): """Delete one or more keys from the kv store""" transactions = [] delete = self.etcd.transactions.delete for key in keys: if key.endswith(self.kv_separator): # it's a tree, we have to list sub-keys to delete them atomically for _, meta in await self._etcd_get_prefix(key): transactions.append(delete(meta.key)) else: transactions.append(delete(key)) await self._etcd_transaction(transactions) # traefik + etcd methods def _setup_traefik_static_config(self): self.log.debug("Setting up the etcd provider in the static config") url = urlparse(self.etcd_url) etcd_config = { "endpoints": [url.netloc], "rootKey": self.kv_traefik_prefix, } if url.scheme == "https": # If etcd is running over TLS, then traefik needs to know etcd_config["tls"] = {} if self.etcd_username and self.etcd_password: etcd_config.update( { "username": self.etcd_username, "password": self.etcd_password, } ) self.static_config = deep_merge( self.static_config, {"providers": {"etcd": etcd_config}} ) return super()._setup_traefik_static_config()